American Association of Nurse Practitioners

Home Health Action Alert

Posted over 13 years ago by Penny Jensen

Action Alert! Now is the time for you to encourage your Senators and Representatives in Congress to seek passage of SB 2814 and HR 4993 The Home Health Care Planning Improvement Acts of 2009 and 2010. Please call or email your Senators and Representative in Congress to ask them to encourage passage of these bills. We were successful in reaching our goal for obtaining cosponsors to these bills last summer, and now we need to push for passage of this legislation.

The bills introduced by Senator Collins in the Senate and Representative Schwartz in the House authorize nurse practitioners to order home health services for Medicare patients ensuring that appropriate home health care services are provided without unnecessary delays and additional costs for care. Currently nurse practitioners are not able to order home health care services despite the fact that that they are eligible Medicare providers.

Let your legislators know that nurse practitioners have a long history of providing high quality, cost effective care to patients of all ages. We are particularly prepared to manage the problems of patients with chronic diseases and the elderly and should be able to certify Medicare patients for home care services. Thank them for their assistance in passage of this legislation.

The easiest and most effective ways to reach your member of Congress are to call his/her Washington DC office, or send an email through the AANP Advocacy Center on the AANP by clicking on the Ordering Home Health bar and following the instructions for sending the attached letter on the screen. You may also send or adapt the letter below to your Senators and Representative.

If you have questions, contact our Office of Health Policy at 202-966-6414. Thanks for getting involved.

House Sample Letter

Senate Sample Letter